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SolidWorks Premiumとは?
SolidWorks Premiumは強力な設計ツールとシームレスに連携し、シミュレーション、レンダリング、アニメーション、製品データ管理、費用見積もりが内蔵された業界トップレベルのパート、アセンブリ、製図機能が搭載されています。SolidWorksなら、製品制作の革新的なフェーズを利用してより生産的な3D設計体験を実現し、これまで以上に早く簡単に仕事をこなせるよう支援できます。
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SolidWorks Premium
SolidWorks Premiumの評判・レビュー

Advanced and convenient
For me, Solidworks is always the best. Initially, I was intimidated by Solidworks' interface, but I
製品を使ってみた感想: I teach students computer-aided design.
It's easy to learn, it's user friendly, and drawing of complex surfaces can be done easily
unfortunately, although Solidworks is a tick font software, it remains not affordable, in fact, its cost is very high, which is a major inconvenience.
製品を使ってみた感想: Overall it's still correct because it fullfill my daily needs
It centralize a lot of tools for multiples tasks
The 3D experience is terrible i've paid like for 2 years it's plugging with solidworks it has 0 efficiency only cloud problems
Industry Standard 3D Modelling That Does Most Things Well
製品を使ってみた感想: Have used this software for approx. 20yrs and remain happy with it. I've tried some alternatives that each had some pros and cons relative to SW, but I still remain with SW as it is the best. If they would deal with the licensing issue I mentioned above I would be very happy with SW.
It remains the industry standard so is a must-have for any design agency. It does all of the basics very well and from a functional standpoint it isn't missing much.
Surface modelling functions are very limited, but BY FAR the biggest problem is the licensing model. They FORCE you to upgrade annually by bricking the software such that you cannot open any files created by a newer version of SW.
Solidworks Review
製品を使ってみた感想: I've been using solidworks for almost 5 years medical devices ....it's the best in market & never faced any serious issues that couldn't be resolved
Able to Navigate Large Assemblies smoothly and better
There is still lot of Lag using PDM within the Tab
Solidworks review
It is an intuitive modeling software that is easy to use and there is lots of documentation online to support use.
The changes between model years can be frustrating. Sometimes locations of common functions move and it can be annoying to have to relearn the software.
Delighted with the results
製品を使ってみた感想: im impressed to share my good experience using this software as i learned using it within weeks due to its ease of integration.
its amazing architecture and incredible features like solid cam
Solidworks has low storage which limits designers from large data processing
Solidworks Premium: Powerful Software with High Demands.
Solidworks Premium is extremely intuitive and easy to use. It has a well thought out and premium looking UI, and complex parts can be modeled and drawn to a very high standard.
Solidworks Premium does require a moderate to high end system to run efficiently and with good user experience. The average laptop with 8-16GB RAM does underperform, and the experience is noticeably degraded when even a browser tab or text document was open, a task I feel it should not struggle with. For an assembly with only 350 components, I would expect less than 8GB of system RAM usage.
Industry standard
製品を使ってみた感想: Overall I have a positive experience with solidworks
Very capable software. The industry standard, so it makes it easy to collaborate with others.
Very closed ecosystem, so it makes getting support difficult. Also the lack of compatibility with older versions can make it difficult to collaborate to institutions that canot afford the latest model year.
Design Abilities
I like the features and the ability to navigate through all of the tree managers.
SOLIDWORKS has a learning curve and the features are not all intuitive but once you learn it is a very powerful tool.
SoldWork works!
製品を使ってみた感想: SolidWorks has been very reliable and any time I have had issues, it is the fault of my hardware.
SolidWorks let me translate my ideas into something other people can understand exactly how I do.
SolidWorks can be pricey, but in a business, it easily pays for itself.
Flexible CAD solution for average and most common 3D modeling.
製品を使ってみた感想: Is pretty handy if you will design fixtures or structures to manufacture them, also the way you can customize libraries for future assemblies is very useful.
SolidWorks is very easy to use among most of the CAD software solutions on market, also the import and export functions hold on most geometry pretty well.
For more complex surfaces operations, it comes short for solutions.
Best and fastest CAD software for 3D CAD
製品を使ってみた感想: As a product development engineer ,using solidworks enables me to develop and test 3D CAD designs easily and effectively.
I started using SolidWorks in my second year as an undergraduate , it's was very easy to learn meaning you spend less time learning and more time developing .Being able to run simulations like flow analysis and motion study in the same environment saves a lot of time and makes it easier to make multiple design iterations.
Requires a powerful ram making it impossible to open multiple parts or assemblies at the same time while running background tasks like a browser.

Review For Soliworks Premium.
製品を使ってみた感想: My overall experience with this software is very nice as this software is very friendly user, handy and value for money.
Very Friendly User Software.After 3D Model has been done we can create file for 3D Printing.Very useful software for Analysis and Development.Very Useful for Structure Design.Very Useful for Small Scale Industries.Value For Money.
If we compared this software to other softwares like catia, Unigrafics it has some limitations for Analysis part.Rendering quality compared to other softwares is moderate.
Great software
One of the best tools for 3D design and engineering, most complete and accurate.
Software that requires specific technical conditions for its proper functioning.

SolidWorks assists you with your modeling and assemblies for a perfect design.
製品を使ってみた感想: As a training assistant in mechanical engineering in the mining industry, I have been able to use the software with almost all its functionalities. It is truly a high-quality software.
I love the modeling functionality in SolidWorks because it's the one I use the most. Since it's in my field, mechanical engineering, I often create designs for mechanical parts for my company. The 3D modeling capability has been a great help, and it's also easy to use.
I have used SolidWorks for several months, and yet I cannot find any flaws in it. The software is comprehensive.
SolidWorks Premium is the Ultimate CAD Solution
製品を使ってみた感想: Overall, SolidWorks Premium is an excellent choice for me as who working project engineer.
SolidWorks Premium is a powerful CAD software with advanced features for 3D modeling, simulation, and product visualization. Its become have to used software to me since long time ago. The software has user-friendly interface and extensive tutorials and guides. Absoluetly best choice for the engineering and manufacturing industries for creating high-quality designs.
There is some high learning curve maybe. But thats all, SolidWorks Premium is perfect software without any drawback.
Solidworks review
Used this software as a mechanical engineer in college for more then 1 year, for my experience is the most versatile one. Lots of fucntionalaties such as 3d, 2d , CAD, CAm
Despite it's very intuitive and with a good plataform/interface there is still the need to have some type of training. We had a few classes before being able to use it by ourselves.
Incredibly Powerful Tool
製品を使ってみた感想: I use solidworks daily communicating design intent with engineers and manufacturers.
SolidWorks is intuitive from year to year. I don't have to relearn the software. The search bar is very useful when encountering a problem.
Render tools could be improved. The material library is limited and camera angles feel clunky at times. SolidWorks is also very costly.
Production engineer - sheet metal structures
Very friendly and intuitive interface, lots of design options. Good tools for converting solids into sheet metal structures. Good looks, fast working tools.
I did not notice any significant deficiencies. All the options I need are and work very well.
SolidWorka Premium Review
製品を使ってみた感想: Powerfull software not only for development projects.
Very powerfull software for daily engineering purposes. Significantly shortens the development of new products
Sometimes difficult structure controllability.
Easy CAD
Very easy to use, intuitive and has a Greta part of structural simulation.
There is The need to buy a license, it requires a computer with Windows.
Solidworks make 3D cad more intuitive and easier
I most like the tools available, specially for animation. I have been developed at least 50 parts on solidworks and the interface is very intuitive. Best software ever.
I would say that depending on the computer you use, it laggs and make you restart sometimes. But the feature is the BOM. I have some trouble setting up the BOM on drawings.
Design Software
製品を使ってみた感想: For Designers , It is one of the best software i ever used as a designer. It will used to create the new innovation designs and models for future developing products . Without design creation ,there is no product will be manufactured.
As i am using this software , the designs and data's are highly accurate and only knowledged person can able to handle this software . One of the Design software used by all MNC companies.2D ,3D models designs are very effective to analyse the designs . it will improves the imagination power of human beings.
It is little expensive to get the software , but the cracked version is used in most of the places like colleges and institutions etc,If the sample designs are defaultly present inside the software will reduces the time consumption of the designers and it will improve the quality of the product.
Lower cost, powerful and friendly CAD simulation program
製品を使ってみた感想: As a hydraulic engineer, SolidWorks is an essential component in my CAD software kit specifically for the mechanical design of valves, pipes, and structures as well as for the simulation and verification of structural faults
The price of the program is really one of its main attractions, considering that meets the expectations and needs of mechanical design. It has powerful 3D design capabilities and a very friendly interface. Solidworks is a more thought-out and useful program for mechanical engineers and designers and is not as appropriate for the architectural design. It can be used to create 2D and 3D designs, has enough tools to incorporate elements such as shading, textures, lighting, and transparencies that facilitate the reading of the design. Another advantage is its library of materials and the possibility of creating customized materials that can be stored in this library. You can also add and edit any text, and like other CAD programs, the design work is done in layers that you can easily select and change. Also has the option of extrusion that easily allows you to create a 3D model from a 2D plane or the reverse process. The design facility includes a customizable palette where you can locate the tools that are most used and also, also we have the function of recording macros. SolidWorks offers the possibility of working with DWG, DXF, STEP, STL formats, as well as printing their designs in 3D. Additionally, one of its main advantages is that we can work with raster and PDF files. As for the simulation process, the significant advantage of SolidWorks is its SolidWorks Security Factor Wizard, with which you can examine the created design and locate structural weaknesses.
Although the renderig, illumination and the photorealistic representation are not powerful as those obtained with other CAD programs, they are still powerful and allow to visualize the designs with an acceptable quality. SolidWorks tools are powerful for small projects, such as specific parts and components, but they are not efficient for the design of more complex projects such as large motor examples.