キャプテラ - 日本企業の最適な
TOGGLE Copilotは、無料で利用できるスマートなポートフォリオ・ダッシュボードです。評価や勢い、成長などを網羅し、これらの測定基準やデータの変化が証券に与える影響に関するアラートを毎日受信できます。
TOGGLE Proは、完全なプロフェッショナル・スイートです。ノーコード・データ・サイエンスからAIで生成される投資のインサイトまで、機会を逃すことはありません。
Excellent, free product!
製品を使ってみた感想: I will be using Toggle Timetraxker for many years to come. It's an essential tool in my freelancing, consulting business.
The ability of setup multiple projects under one client is crucial for my business. Toggle exceeds the expectations in this area.
Lots of cool features that require a subscription.
A tool we would be lost without
製品を使ってみた感想: Great
The ability to clock time under specific projects You can grow your team using this tool, keeping track of time spent on various workloads Reporting - so clients can access and view their timesheets etc
Costing for me was high compared to some of the other tools out there.
Not bad to start with
製品を使ってみた感想: The overall experience is not bad despite the limitations. It is easy to use and helps you get started to see where you want to go.
It is very easy to use right from the start, allowing you to know the basic information and the hours you spend working.
The limitations are immediately apparent, it falls short as your business grows. It's not bad to start with but the project needs to evolve very quickly.
Great clocks for legitimate time keeping
製品を使ってみた感想: I use switch as a substitute strategy to follow my time in lawful practice. It is desirable over our time passage programming. With continually moving among undertakings and charging in little portion increases, Toggle makes beginning and halting clocks very simple and furthermore gives a simple to see outline of work improvement as the day progressed.
I like that it is so natural to run a clock, input fast information, stop the clock genuine speedy, and restart the clock later. I likewise like the keen drop down menus that will lump all comparative passages together to give you an absolute time.
I don't have any issues however I am certain there might be a few issues carrying out many time-keeping matters across an enormous association.
Great tool for timesheet tracking and reporting
製品を使ってみた感想: Toggle saves everyone's time - the team working on customer projects, the team manager, the billing person and also the customer. Time spent per task is very easy to account for by integrating toggle in Asana. Then you can get reports that go as granular as you need them. Awesome tool, easy to use, simple yet very powerful!
Ease and simplicity of usage, ease of adding to Asana, convenient enabling via Chrome browser extension, saves tons of time with timesheet export and tracking. Life saver when work is billed based on timesheets
So far I am only having positive experiences with the tool