キャプテラ - 日本企業の最適な

2,000社以上の企業が、対面、リモート、分散型、国際チームの表彰やチーム間のつながりの維持にBonuslyを使用しています。また、Slack、Microsoft Teams、人事管理システム (HRIS) の統合によりシームレスな実装が可能になります。


Motivations for my work
製品を使ってみた感想: It helps us to have more commitment to the company in each task to be carried out and an increase in performance, it also helps us to unite more with our coworkers such as in work celebrations
I like that my work is valued, I strive to do everything well and when they give rewards for performance and reaching objectives it is even more satisfying to receive this recognition, Bonusly makes the rewards and recognition process really for those who deserve it and motivates us to continue improving every day to be more committed to work.
It has been a pleasant platform without problems, there is nothing I can say that I dislike
Bonusly is an amazing employee recognition tool!
製品を使ってみた感想: Overall experience with the tool has been excellent. As a primary admin and promoter of the tool, everything from front end usage to back-end resolution has been really simple and great.
Bonusly is a very strong employee recognition tool that encourages the use and engagement amongst this. The design really makes recognizing simple and receiving recognition rewarding and fulfilling.
The catalogue can be limited for companies outside of the United States. There are options for custom rewards but those still have to be manually processed. The automated redemptions are fairly limited.
A friendly company
Bonusly allows our team to compete and engage with one another
The frequency regarding points. Could be more active regarding.
Thank You Bonusly!
製品を使ってみた感想: Very easy to use and to redeem points! I use most of points for grocery items. It operates very easily and quickly in the checkout line to redeem the points and scan them at the register from my phone.
The ability to communicate with other co-workers at other sites through Bonusly. We love sending gifs to each other and make others in the company laugh!
Not enough options for redemption in the grocery department. Things like Aldi, Hyvee, Fareway would be great additions!
The Best Way to Say "Great Job!"
製品を使ってみた感想: Wonderful experience, this program helps boost morale and bond employees, and is a great way to provide "thank you's" that actually matter and have real merit.
LOVED my experience with Bonusly, this is such a fun and easy way to spread company morale, to help employees feel valued, to spread goodwill, and to bond coworkers. I love being able to send kudos that people can actually cash in for prizes, it means so much more and gets employees more excited than just a blanket "thanks," that doesn't speak the way that actual prizes do. This gives actual merit to your thanks, and gets employees excited to hype each other up.
No complaints at all, although I was a primary user and not part of the team involved in setup, so I can't speak on that - Bonusly is easy to use, grows company morale, and employee happiness, and gives employees actual money to spend on what they really want. The best way to say "good job!"
Cool way to show appreciation.
製品を使ってみた感想: Overall, Bonusly is a brilliant way to spread positivity and show appreciation. It makes recognizing others feel personal and easy, even when you're not in the same place.
What I love about Bonusly is that it lets me reward my friends, even from afar. Since I can't grab coffee or give a hug, it's a great way to show appreciation in a meaningful way.
I wish Bonusly had more redeemable options. It would be great to have a wider variety of choices to make the rewards feel even more personal.
Bonsuly Review
製品を使ってみた感想: My overall experience has been very pleasant. It has made me feel valued in my company and appreciated.
I love the concept of encouraging people to reward one another for their hard work. I love the ability to add GIFs to the shout out to the person as well.
I don't like that we get taxed for the rewards.
Cool way to reward
製品を使ってみた感想: I like this form of rewarding my coworkers for their hard job
I like how easy is to use bonusly, very great app
I don’t like that I have a certain points to give
A nice way to boost morale and connection
I like how bonusly offered an employer sponsored way of encouraging camaraderie and recognition among coworkers in my former company of employment. It was fun to see all the gifs being sent in there!
I felt like the hashtag and tagging and points delineations on the posting area were a little cumbersome.
Excellent Product for Team Recognition!
製品を使ってみた感想: Bonusly is an excellent way to build team unity and show appreciation for good work by all employees. It is a lot of fun to see how our team shares positive messages with each other about the work that we do.
It is a great way to support our employees and show appreciation for a job well done.
I only wish that we could give more Bonusly points throughout the month.
Bonusly is Awesome tool, it must have in any company.
製品を使ってみた感想: Using Bonusly has increased employee morale because they feel appreciated, which has led to their desire to increase growth within the company.
Bonusly should be in all companies because it gives rewards to employees for completing their tasks and also because it helps in cooperation among employees. I think it's a very smart investment for any company's culture because Everyone likes to feel appreciated when they devote themselves to work, and thus their productivity at work will increase, and this will be to the benefit of any company.
There are no negatives to this program, it is very good and they are always making progress
Critical to the engagement of our team!
製品を使ってみた感想: It has been great working with this team. They are a positive group and were very organized during implementation.
Love the ease of implementation and how quickly our employees embraced it, instantly increasing team morale!
They took away the chat feature for online help and assistance.
Bonusly provides an easy way to recognize your co-workers
製品を使ってみた感想: Easy to use, positive experience overall from the user perspective
We have Bonusly integrated with slack which makes it very easy to use and see who is being recognized. Our HR leader has also tied this into our core value awards which makes it even more relevant.
Overall, it really is easy to use to recognize peers. The ability to pool bonusly awards and then distribute hose across a group of people easily would be a great feature to allow for teams to recognize other individuals and teams. Also, when giving award points to multiple people, that counts as one recognition event when it should count as multiple - multiple people recognized.
A pricy, but well worth it app for employee recognition!
This app is amazing for sending peer to peer and manager to peer recognition. It kind of reads like a social media platform where you can see all the interactions throughout your business (which is extremely appealing and helpful.) Employees can cash out points for gift cards after they’ve gone above and beyond at their job and received points from co workers.
It’s costly (you’re paying for $10 worth of gift cards, per month, per employee) but you know what you’re getting into and I still think it’s worth it to celebrate recognition. Additionally, the desktop version is hard to use on your phone. It’s difficult to react to threads and post photos in comments. I recommend the mobile version.
Bonusly as a Recognition system
Bonusly gives your a point based experience that enables you to recognize outstanding performance from colleagues which can be converted to gift cards. Bonusly enhances daily reward and recognition in a unique way between colleagues.
Bonusly is a great software, no con that I can say at the moment.
The best tool to appreciate your colleagues
製品を使ってみた感想: It's a great tool to appreciate your colleagues for their performance and help you in your day-to-day activity. You can reward them with custom hashtags and even claim different gift cards from the reward points that you have.It simply took the employee's appreciation and reward program to the next level.
- Great reward catalog- Variety of tags to choose from while rewarding colleagues- Easy-to-use UI- Great way to share appreciation- Reward redemption is easy- Customs hashtags options
- It's a bit costly as you have to pay per-user price. Apart from that there is nothing that i don't like about it as it is a great application to reward your colleagues for their help and performance.
Bonusly helped build a positive and ambitious work culture
Really easy to implement and a fun way to recognise the team and drive performance.
Hard to get in touch with customer service.
Best Team-wide Rewards
It is a great platform for providing and receiving feedback and also i love how well it integrates with our existing systems and how easy it is to use and exchange points for gift cards.
I do not really found a bad side of Bonusly

Marketing Agency Review
製品を使ってみた感想: Bonusly is a great way to offer additional incentives and sparks of positivity for a job well done.
Bonusly helps provide my team with little boosts of positivity for a job well done or when someone goes above and beyond.
There could be more opportunities to cash out for other gift cards or reward incentives. I'd like to see Bonusly offer an anonymous option as well.
I loved it
It makes employees want to do more good in the workplace.
Sometimes it takes a while to load, but other than that it's fine.
A Fun Way to Recognize Your Team & Boost Morale
製品を使ってみた感想: Overall experience with Bonusly is extremely positive, I think every business should incorporate a tool like this to motivate, energize, and recognize their team(s). There's no better feeling than getting an email notification saying "someone has recognized you" and then reading your coworker's positive notes and recognition. It's a really great way to share good vibes and is a small token of appreciation that goes a very long way.
The product is extremely easy to use and integrates with our enterprise collaboration tool (Slack) very well. We have a Slack channel where team recognition is shared and colleagues celebrate each other's wins. It's a ton of fun watching people get deserved recognition and seeing everyone celebrate their efforts. I really enjoy giving Bonusly to other teammates when they've gone above and beyond. When I receive Bonusly, I am immediately energized and thankful. I usually use my Bonusly to treat myself, which is something I don't do as often.If I want to share Bonusly with my spouse or donate the funds I always have to option to do so. It's very easy to use and redeeming your Bonusly is incredibly simple.
I don't have anything that I really dislike about Bonusly. I think the system is very easy-to-use and straightforward.
Review about Bonusly
This app is a great platform to recognise employees and create a more engaging workplace setting.It recognises and appreciate coworkers.It can also help in making people motivated and appreciated in te organisation.It also has great rewards option as well
It can be more user friendly.The app sometimes lags and you have to start the work from the beginning.Overall the app is best to use
Bonusly - A great tool for employee recognition.
製品を使ってみた感想: Bonusly allows me to reward members of my team on a regular basis.
My company has employees all over the world, which complicates employee recognition. Bonusly simplifies this process as it allows employees to cash out for giftcards to local stores.
There are some fees when cashing out to Paypal.
Feedback for the product.
Its very easy and good platform for the employees.
Less options for redemptions of points for Grocery like Big Basket etc.
Excellent recognition for Job's well done.
製品を使ってみた感想: There have been no problems with Intergration in the process of use it actually has helped bring colleagues together and appreciate each other in the jobs that are preformed.
Bonusly is very easy to use the function is excellent to show appreciation.
There really isn't a function that I would say isn't easy to use for anyone.