キャプテラ - 日本企業の最適な
Duo Securityとは?
Duo Securityの使命は、ユーザーの使命を守ることです。Duo Securityを使用すると、セキュリティがスムーズになり、重要なことに集中できるようになります。このスケーラブルなクラウドベースの信頼できるアクセス・ソリューションは、場所に制限されることなく、あらゆるユーザーやデバイスのあらゆるアプリケーションへのアクセスを保護します。Duoの多要素認証 (MFA) ソリューションでは、エンドポイントの完全な可視性と制御を提供しながら、使用、管理、導入が簡単に行えます。このユーザーとデバイスの信頼の組み合わせが、ゼロトラスト・セキュリティ・モデルの基盤を構築します。
Duo Securityの対象ユーザー
あらゆる規模の企業 (中小企業、中堅企業、大企業) にグローバル規模でサービスを提供しています。ヘルスケア、法務、財務、テクノロジー、政府、教育分野の顧客を擁するDuoは、あらゆる市場セグメントにセキュリティを提供しています。
Duo Securityをご存知でしょうか?
Duo Security
Duo Securityの評判・レビュー
Duo Security - Easiest DFA hands down
Hassle free two-factor authenticator
Regardless of the technology or platform which are targeting to integrate the multi-factor authentication Duo Security provides the flexibility to integrate with the largely used identity platforms/providers. The use of the app is very easy and convenient with the enablement of biometric authentication. For the authorization process, it takes just one click. The app is that user-friendly. Not like other application available Duo is really easy to use and integrate.
Nothing that I can think of that I like least.
Outstanding MFA Security
製品を使ってみた感想: Our users and administrators have both given positive feedback with using Duo. I would recommend to organizations looking to have reliable and secure logins.
Multifactor authentication has been effective at making users have to sign in securely to our networks. Duo admin console is easy for our techs to learn and user setup takes a few minutes to complete. The device and user management for sign-ins allows us to manage the authentication more effectively.
We have experienced the admin console inaccessible at times when there have been updates or outages. The timer for accepting pushes doesn't always sync up correctly.
Doesn't Get Much Simpler...
Duo Security made it quick and easy to sign into the desktop computer and additional computer programs requiring authentication. It only required a fingerprint rather than typing in a number like other authenticators.
It would prove tedious if I did not have access to that specific phone for any reason, but that's probably the case with all authentication devices.
If DUO doesn't work, expect your company to be shut down for an unknown amount of time
製品を使ってみた感想: I was solving authentication, I will be investigating switching to another MFA solution as soon as possible.
Our company switched Managed Service Providers, and we used DUO. When we switched over, DUO authentication stopped working. We had multiple users who DUO simply stopped working for. We and our MSP were unable to contact DUO support after multiple hours. I did get through to a person who put the phone down and appeared to be watching a video on YouTube in the background for about 10 minutes and then hung up on me. This had a serious negative impact on our business and I'm surprised that we were unable to get anyone to assist at all with such a business critical feature.
That when support is needed you can spend multiple hours on hold without any assistance. When someone does actually pick up the pick up the phone and place it on their desk and do not actually answer the call.