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ユーザー管理、使用許諾契約書 (EULA)、ライセンス管理を備えたオープンソースのIT管理ソフトウェア。

A little gem
製品を使ってみた感想: It fit a niche perfectly for us.
This tool seems to fit us well. We have wanted to do asset management for a while and we get hung up with the complexity of other tools. This one got us going quickly and easily. It is the right fit.
The reporting interface to powerpivot was more complex to set up than we'd hope. I would like to have an easy button to push it out to nontechnical people quickly.
Great free platform for your Asset tracking
製品を使ってみた感想: I was looking for an asset tracking system, other platforms such as RMM solutions were looked at but didnt capture things like small docks, and consumables - once setup we can now track, book in and out all aspects of out IT
It was free ! After a very quick and easy setup (you need to do a bit of tweaking) but the online help and documentation was great, the result was a fully functioning asset database
Nothing really, this fulfils the purposes it was installed for
Robust Open-Source Asset Tracking - What's Not to Like?
製品を使ってみた感想: A night and day improvement over manual asset tracking for my company which has no budget for a commercial option.
Snipe-IT is a huge improvement from anyone attempting (and likely failing) to do any type of significant asset tracking through spreadsheets but without much (or any) budget for a commercial option. It makes it trivial to see which assets are assigned, to whom, and their physical location. Has one-click check in, custom asset models (to group common features), custom fields, and robust history and audit options. Because it's self-hosted (or a paid hosted service for those who don't want / aren't able to set up self hosting) it's also easy to set up individual user accounts who can log in directly and check what assets they have assigned (or request requestable items). It also has a built-in QR code label generator to allow easy creation of tracking labels that will work with most handheld scanners - or even turn mobile phone QR reader apps into devices for easy check-in / check-out. It's *highly* configurable to be a useful tool for all manner of different situation. The developers tread security very importantly - which is key for any web-facing application.
Like all open source software there are some weird quirks and bugs - and because of the odd mix of features, it's unlikely that the default setup will be perfect "out of the box" solution for anyone (although it allows a rich flexibility to adapt the program to fit many different environments). Like many Open Source projects - some areas (of particular interest to individual developers) are heavily developed (there's a rich consumable tracking and re-ordering system), and some other (seemingly basic) functionality underdeveloped (there's no way to manually specify a location to an asset that contradicts the "default" locations of the asset owner, or assigned user). Automatically generated labels are almost impossible to align properly - as far as I know almost all users just "print" them as local PDF files and then re-layout in other graphics programs (which works well... just an extra step). Finally the upgrade process can be a little cumbersome (although changes to the most recent major version should simplify this going forward). Like many Open Source projects - some level of network/server/IT knowledge is required to install and maintain as a self-hosted application (obviously not needed for the paid-hosting offerings).
Amazing Open source IT asset management system
I like pretty much everything about Snipe-IT, I've used it in every company I've worked in and would absolutely recommend it to anyone in the market for an IT asset management system
Can't really think of any, it all depends on how you set it up.
Snipe-IT review
Easy to configure, easy escalable product, dont consume many resources
Low support, few integrations with other systems
The best Asset management for its price
製品を使ってみた感想: All in All, if you're looking for a very competitive price for great asset management, you should definitely go for it.
I love how easily with a few click s you'll be able to set up a new asset then assign to people and use it, the UI is very clean and everything is sorted out in a nice way.
if you'll use the cloud version it will be very easy but if you need to set it up yourself, although it's an open source you won't be able to make it work easily. I tried different web hosting such as Cpanel, direct admin, etc and even by asking for help from their discord channel they couldn't give me a way to set it up properly.
Perfect Asset Management for IT Assets
製品を使ってみた感想: Overall it's one of the best and easiest to use asset managements out there. It saves me as an IT Manager tons of time to not need to track down assets in spreadsheets or other applications.
It's easy to administrate and easy to integrate into other services like Google Chat for Chatbot functionality or Datastudio for reporting. Mass sign out's save a lot of time.
Some features like mass check in not available, but easy to implement via provided API. Multi-Company configuration could use some work in terms of user access and assignment.
Asset management tracking_Deciem
Easy to use, manage and implement the tool.
While its easy to use tool there are a bit difficulty hosting the data on cloud and integrating with cloud applications like happy fox and service now.
3 年前
Hi Meenakshi - thanks so much for your feedback! If you don't mind, I'd love to know more about what you are finding difficult with cloud hosting integrations. We're pretty proud of our API, but if you feel it's lacking in some ways, we'd love ti improve that experience for you.
Snipe-IT "picks off" the competition!
製品を使ってみた感想: It's been great for us thus far! Our teams love using it, and I'm sure that love will only deepen as we gain more experience with it!
Being able to have so many sortable data fields for each item is incredible! Almost limitless possibilities of how to manage and track inventory. Management of consumable stock is also incredibly easy thanks to its limits and notifications.
I wish there was a more streamlined mobile app process that was developed thru Snipe instead of a third party. Would love to have something simple/easy/adaptive on my phone to use in the field that was part of the overall software platform, but I've got some security concerns about the app being driven by a third party.
4 年前
Awesome, thanks so much for the kind words! (And we do have a mobile app on the roadmap - stay tuned!)
Great for Inventory
Nearly everything! It is pretty easy to set up, and if you are willing to host it yourself, you can download it for free. Since it is open-source you can customize it to fit your needs. Great logging and tracking.
Rolling back to a back-up is.. nearly impossible. If something goes wrong, fixing it can be a bear.
Snipe-IT assest management
It's a free open source software, very easy to deploy and use
Hard to add users and track suppliers, charts were usually clear but not really indicative
My first approach in asset management
製品を使ってみた感想: I could inventory my companies (about 100 employees) assets without having to pay a heavy license fee.
I like the interface very much. It is slick, quick, and works well. It is available as selfhosted opensource and hosted opensource with business support. It is easy to setup and easy to update. It needs next to nothing in performance and space.
It was not quite obvious on how to use it in the beginning. I personally would have loved to get some sample data to feed into the system to see how to use it. Also, I think it is a bit confusing to have two search fields on one page. They can interefere with your search, which is confusing for my users. Also I miss an easy way of allowing filetypes to upload to the system. These are all minor problems and no dealbreakers.
Awesome Free Asset Management
Free Multi Platform Satisfactory Default Templates No limitations on the free version Clean UI Reporting Features
The initial setup took a few tries. Documentation on the setup was pretty minimal. I must have started and retried the installation process a few times before it finally "worked".
7 年前
Hi David - thanks so much for the kind words! We're sorry to hear you had a little trouble getting it set up. I was wondering which documentation you used, and/or whether you could let us know how the docs could be improved. We spend quite a bit of time on the documentation, so if it's lacking somewhere, we'd love to be able fix that. (We also know there are a lot of tutorials out there on the internet, so we'd like to make sure you're looking at the official docs, as the third-party tutorials are sometimes not up to date.) Feel free to drop me an email if you have any ideas on what else we could add. Thanks again for your time!
Best free Asset Management
Good ui, simple and freue. Also best funktions
No Automatic Network Scans, big issue. ITS hard to Tracks all assets by hand
A Great Way to Manage a Small Business Inventory
製品を使ってみた感想: It's been a great and fast way to get our inventory on track and keep people accountable when it comes to using software and hardware.
It's open source and self hosted. We have an instance running on a server at our business. The Docker image they offer makes set up even easier. From the very start it is super easy to get going. You can begin entering inventory and even use a barcode scanner to label things. There is also a well designed license inventory that helps us keep track of who is taking up seats for various products. The UI is modern and very easy to navigate.
The default fields throw a lot at you and we don't use even close to all of them, but I see how they may be useful to other organizations.
Quality product focused on the job
製品を使ってみた感想: Snipe-IT has allowed me to put systems in place to track and maintain our IT assets and resources.
The web applications is fast and reliable. The user interface is friendly and accessible. Day to day operation is simple and convenient.
A few features that I would like to see as standard are not yet in the app although some are on the roadmap.
Great when you get it up and running completely
製品を使ってみた感想: Tracking assets is a breeze for free! You can set it up in Windows or Linux (with a LOT of work). I enjoy using the product for tracking who has what equipment and where.
Easy to use. Lots of asset management options. FREE
Configuration is a NIGHTMARE! You follow all the instruction, you have to constantly search for fixes to the myriad of issues. Out of the box. Backup doesn't work (I have to watch a video on how to fix backups) Email doesn't work (still working on it), Group permissions broken (You create a group and wish to change the permission you can't from the browser). Importing is not a smooth process, very hit or miss.
製品を使ってみた感想: -
Good IT asset management software :)))
Nothing to change , its excellent , respect to team.
Free and Simple IT Inventory Software
Snipe-IT is very lightweight and simple to install on any computer or server to grab the inventory of devices on your network. Great reports can be pulled from almost any technical detail that the software can grab from the computer.
Since it is free, it may not have the most robust features built in or simplicity of use for the end user.
Recommendable choice
User experience is easy, and it's also pretty complete. It had some bugs, but they were fixed with the latest update.
The email system doesn't send notification for some asset types, but does it for some peripheral types.
Solid ITAM, free and still improving
製品を使ってみた感想: Have implemented it in my business, self-hosting in Docker. Working on adapting the scripts that have been shared for automating the gathering of asset info. Plan to use the API to link it in to some other tools in my stack.
Free/libre software means you get the source code. If only to understand why it works the way it does, having source is very valuable when implementing business applications. Snipe-IT also has an API so integration with other tools is simplified.
Strictly as an asset manager, it gets the job done. There are opportunities for more features and more automation, sometimes I'm working with this app and feel that functions are missing.