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Zoho Campaignsとは?
Zoho Campaigns(ゾーホー・キャンペーン)は、メルマガ・一斉メール配信をシンプルに低コストで行えるツールです。
□━Zoho Campaigns でできること━□
□━Zoho Campaigns が選ばれる理由━□
○HTMLの知識不要! 直感的な操作でメール作成
初期費用無料! 圧倒的な低コストと柔軟な価格設定でメールマーケティングに求める機能をすべて利用可能。
Zoho Campaigns は、各種サービスと連携することが可能です。連絡先リストやコンテンツを外部サービスから取り込むことで、メールマーケティングをより効率的に管理・運用できます。
Zoho Campaignsの対象ユーザー
これからメルマガ配信やステップメールを始めていきたい中小企業におすすめです。 以下のようなニーズ・課題をお持ちの方におおすすめします。 ・顧客との継続的なコミュニケーションを構築されたい方 ・メールマーケティングを実施しているが施策の計測・改善が行えていない方
Zoho Campaignsをご存知でしょうか?
Zoho Campaigns
Zoho Campaignsの評判・レビュー
製品を使ってみた感想: 全体的に会社で利用したいと考えている機能は網羅されていると思うが、Zohoに言えることとして日本人向けのテンプレートをもう少し充実して欲しい。ベースが英語だからかも知れないが、時々意味がわかない機能や画面を目にする時がある。Zohoに限らずツールは慣れが必要だと思うので、これからもより便利に使えるように努力していきたいと思います。
Advantages of using Zoho to create and document a successful digital marketing campaign.
製品を使ってみた感想: It is an excellent tool, the campaign management is very complete, as well as the role administration for the assignment of tasks within Zoho. It guarantees the number of email outputs for each period of time that we want to establish, design default templates, have generalized views of our campaign, and much more. It also allows us to inform senior management of the results achieved and how leads become customers.
Zoho Campaigns makes it possible for us to launch entire marketing campaigns with a couple of clicks and without having to hire an advertising agency, which has really allowed us to reduce costs and increase leads in the organization. It is one of the most powerful and easy-to-use tools currently on the market, and it guarantees us to manage the monitoring of our campaigns to get our products and services to the correct audience.
Every good campaign requires good research, which is why we must fully consider, carry out a preliminary investigation of other digital marketing campaigns that have been carried out related to our product, plan in advance the objectives to be achieved in the short, medium and In the long term, research our competition well, find out what they are doing now, and after that, through Zoho campaigns, design in the tool the way we can communicate our added value.
Best Email Marketing Software if you're using Zoho CRM
製品を使ってみた感想: We used it mainly because we were using Zoho CRM, and how tightly it integrates with CRM.
It's tightly integrated with Zoho CRM, which is why opted for this tool. The data from this tool gets directly fetched by Zoho CRM and is shown on the contacts, account, and deal section. So a pretty good tool wrt integration.
When importing contacts from Zoho, I've faced a lot of bugs. Contact import in zoho campaigns is a mess.
Send email and SMS that really sell
製品を使ってみた感想: Zoho Campaigns allows us to achieve the work of a larger team with limited resources.
Cut your costs and win more customers by trusting Zoho Campaigns. It's more efficient and reliable. Contains templates which are fully customizable to offer the best. Saves time with it's pre-built automations that drives sales up. Target the right people with the right message. It's magnificent.
Zoho Campaigns is what I have been looking for, no cons.
I feel like I'm a beta tester.
Clunky, slow and an overall terrible user experience.
From a distance, it looks shiny with a ton of functionality. But when you actually start using it, you'll see a myiad of small aesthetics that don't look right (loading bar doesn't extend full width, loading dots are blurred) and the loading times are among the slowest for any software I've ever used.
Now all of those things are OK, because functionality is what matters the most, right?
This would be true if the functionality of the platform actually worked as intended. We've run into issues like:
-Duplicating a workflow gets stuck and never duplicates. The bug required Zoho team to fix it on their side which took 3-5 business days.
-Changing a font color for an HTML email doesn't work. You'll see the updated font color in the HTML code, and in the email preview you will see the font color you want. But when you send the email, the font color is almost always wrong.
-Their simple condition filter in their workflow component didn't work originally. I had to speak to their engineering team twice to show them the problem, and then they fixed it 5 days later.
The list goes on and on. I wish this program just worked and I didn't have to write this review.
The one good thing about this software is that their customer service team is very responsive, and they normally fix the problems. But again, I feel like I'm a beta tester working with them through all of these bugs.
I don't recommend this software to anyone.
Campains has a lot of features out of the box and is a very affordable option for startups looking for an email solution.
This entire platform is riddled with bugs, quirks, and errors that make your job so much harder. When things don't work, you normally assume you're doing it wrong with most software. Not with Zoho Campaigns. When things don't work, it's most likely broken on their side. 3 months into using this software every day, and we've already reported 3 different instances where their software was not working as intended. If I was getting this software for free, that would be OK. But since we're paying hundreds of dollars each month to use it, this is not acceptable.