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スマートフォンやデスクトップ、タブレットを使用して、いつでもどこでもIT環境をモニタリングし、管理できる、IT管理ソフトウェアです。Pulsewayを使用すると、システム管理者やマネージド・サービス・プロバイダー (MSP) はIT環境全体を一望できるので、いつでも何が起こっているかを正確に把握することができます。拡張性に優れたこのソフトウェアは、あらゆる規模のIT部門に対応できます。組織の成長に合わせて、拡張できます。
Low Cost RMM with Great Value
製品を使ってみた感想: We transitioned from Labtech automate to pulseway and it's been remarkably simple to switch. The cost savings and what I find to be superior scripting automation has made pulseway my favorite RMM to date.
Cost Ability to Deploy from local servers Remote Powershell/Command Prompt is a life saver The scheduled execution of Powershell/Batch Scripts Easily control windows updates
No remote access for Mac OS The biggest con is that functions are split between the web interface, the Pulseway Remote Desktop app, and the Pulseway dashboard app, for example, you can only chat a user from the web interface and not directly from the remote desktop application, or you can only configure the customers pulseway monitor configuration from the Dashboard application.
Excellent product with great customer service
製品を使ってみた感想: From the onboarding on day 1 it has been a really positive experience with good support and backed by excellent customer service and constant improvements to the platform. The endpoint client is simple to setup, the web client is easy to use and allows a lot of fine-grained control and it also provides a lot of peace of mind.
Pulseway has given us a really big boost to visibility and issues on our network as well as the power to control both Windows and 3rd party software issues. They also integrate a wide range of products and services which gives us a broad marketplace to choose new IT services from and have them integrate directly into the management platform.
Being entirely cloud-based there's a bit of a limit to the usefulness of it as an internal diagnostic tool. Although it's capable of a huge amount it's no help when the internet goes out for example.
Review of Pulsway App and Service
製品を使ってみた感想: Good. It had truly helped mobile engineer like us to perform and monitor the devices.
Among all RMM tools, Pulsway would be the most mobile friendly app.
The PSA module has much to polish up. Much of the others had much integration and ticketing system.
Pulseway tool to make IT easy
製品を使ってみた感想: We have only the best experience with pulseway and we are always learning new things. It really is a multifunctional tool that makes our work very easy.
We use Pulseway for monitoring and remote server management. My favourite thing is that I can control the servers from my phone and in case of any problem I am informed right away and I can sort everything out before the client even notices that there is a problem. Pulseway is a great help and I couldn't imagine working without it.
In fact this is the last change where the Pulseway app from the Microsoft store, so it stopped having some basic features like the ability to restart servers, install updates etc... I really enjoyed using the app, and I understand that as part of the progression it's moved to a web interface. But the slowdowns bother me, having to log in, enter 2FAs and such.. But still, it's a great help.
Many promise it, only pulseway gets it
製品を使ってみた感想: I have been relying on Pulseway to manage my 400 devices, and it works great. Plus they never stop releasing new features.
It works in Windows and Mac "several promise to do it but just Pulseway do it fine". Give me the chance to connect and launch admin commands. Is a perfect solution for an environment like ours.
The invoices and payment process must be improved.