キャプテラ - 日本企業の最適な




スタートアップから中小・中堅企業、更にグローバル化を狙っている企業様多くの成長企業がOracle NetSuiteを利用して、コア・プロセスを自動化し、運用および財務実績に関する情報をリアルタイムで把握して効率的な企業運営をしています。




  • Oracle
  • 所在地:Chicago (アメリカ)
  • 1977年設立

NetSuite のサポート

  • 電話サポート
  • 24時間対応(オペレータ)
  • チャット対応有


アイルランド, アメリカ合衆国, アラブ首長国連邦, アルゼンチン, イギリス 他26つ


イタリア語, インドネシア語, オランダ語, スウェーデン語, スペイン語 他14つ



  • 無料トライアルあり
  • 無料プランなし

NetSuiteには無料プランはありませんが、無料トライアルが提供されています。 NetSuiteの有料プランは¥66,249/年から利用できます。



  • Oracle
  • 所在地:Chicago (アメリカ)
  • 1977年設立

NetSuite のサポート

  • 電話サポート
  • 24時間対応(オペレータ)
  • チャット対応有


アイルランド, アメリカ合衆国, アラブ首長国連邦, アルゼンチン, イギリス 他26つ


イタリア語, インドネシア語, オランダ語, スウェーデン語, スペイン語 他14つ


NetSuiteソフトウェア - 1
NetSuiteソフトウェア - 2
NetSuiteソフトウェア - 3
NetSuiteソフトウェア - 4
NetSuiteソフトウェア - 1
NetSuiteソフトウェア - 2
NetSuiteソフトウェア - 3
NetSuiteソフトウェア - 4


  • 3PL管理
  • ACH支払い処理
  • API
  • Asset Lifecycle Management
  • BOM (部品表)
  • BOM Creation
  • Barcode/Ticket Scanning
  • CRM
  • Catalog Management
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Core Accounting
  • Customizable Rules
  • ERP integration
  • For Financial Institutions
  • For Small Businesses
  • Payment Collection
  • Publishing/Sharing
  • Purchase Order Reconciliation
  • Real-Time Analytics
  • Real-Time Data
  • Real-Time Monitoring
  • Real-Time Reporting
  • Real-Time Updates
  • Risk Analysis
  • SEO管理
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Webサイト管理
  • eコマース管理
  • アクセス制御・許可
  • アクティビティ・ダッシュボード
  • アドホック・レポート
  • アラート/通知
  • インタラクション追跡
  • オンボーディング
  • オンライン決済
  • オンライン請求
  • カスタマー・ステートメント
  • カスタマー管理
  • カレンダー管理
  • カレンダー/リマインダー・システム
  • カンバンボード
  • ガントチャート、タイムラインビュー
  • キャッシュフロー管理
  • キャパシティ・プランニング
  • キャパシティ管理
  • キャンペーン管理
  • コスト管理
  • コミュニケーション管理
  • コメント、メモ
  • コラボレーションツール
  • コンプライアンス管理
  • コンプライアンス追跡
  • サプライチェーン管理
  • サプライヤーへの支払い
  • サプライヤー管理
  • サポートチケット管理
  • シナリオ計画
  • ショッピングカート
  • シリアル番号追跡
  • スキルの追跡
  • スケジューリング
  • ステータス追跡
  • セグメンテーション
  • セルフサービスポータル
  • ソーシャル・メディア統合
  • ソーシング管理
  • タイムシート管理
  • タスク管理
  • ダッシュボード
  • ダッシュボード作成
  • チャンネル管理
  • テンプレートのカスタマイズ
  • データのインポート/エクスポート
  • データの可視化
  • データセキュリティ
  • データ管理
  • トレーサビリティ
  • トレーニング管理
  • ドキュメント・ストレージ
  • ドキュメント管理
  • ドナー管理
  • ナレッジベース管理
  • バーコード・ラベル管理
  • バーコード処理、RFID
  • バーコード認識
  • バージョン管理
  • パイプライン管理
  • パフォーマンス測定基準
  • ビジュアル分析
  • ファイル共有
  • フィードバック管理
  • フィールドのカスタマイズ
  • プロジェクトの時間追跡
  • プロジェクト会計
  • プロジェクト管理
  • プロジェクト計画
  • プロジェクト計画/スケジューリング
  • プロモーション管理
  • ベンダー管理
  • ベンチマーキング
  • ポートフォリオ管理
  • マイルストーン追跡
  • マルチチャネル・コミュニケーション
  • マルチチャネル・マーケティング
  • マルチロケーション
  • マーケティングの自動化
  • メンテナンス管理
  • メンバーシップ管理
  • メンバー・データベース
  • メール・マーケティング
  • メール管理
  • モバイル・アクセス
  • モバイル決済
  • リスク・マネジメント
  • リソース・スケジューリング
  • リソース・リクエスト
  • リソース管理
  • リソース配分・計画
  • リマインダー
  • リード生成
  • リード管理
  • リード資格
  • レビュー管理
  • レポートと統計
  • レポートのカスタマイズ
  • レポート/分析
  • ワークフロー管理
  • 不動産向け
  • 予測分析
  • 予算設定、予測
  • 予算運用
  • 事業予測
  • 二重払いアラート
  • 人材マネジメント
  • 企業資産管理
  • 作業発注管理
  • 保険業界向け
  • 倉庫管理
  • 優先順位付け
  • 再注文管理
  • 処方処理
  • 利用レポート
  • 利益/損失ステートメント
  • 割引管理
  • 助成金管理
  • 医療用
  • 原価追跡
  • 原料管理
  • 原料要件計画
  • 収益認識
  • 取引管理
  • 受注
  • 口座振込
  • 可用性管理
  • 品質マネジメント
  • 営業とオペレーション設計
  • 営業パイプライン管理
  • 営業活動管理
  • 固定資産管理
  • 土地管理
  • 在庫最適化
  • 在庫管理
  • 在庫追跡
  • 報告、プロジェクト追跡
  • 売掛金
  • 売掛金元帳
  • 多通貨
  • 契約・ライセンス管理
  • 寄付追跡
  • 小売在庫管理
  • 建設業界向け
  • 従業員スケジューリング
  • 従業員データベース
  • 従業員管理
  • 戦略的計画
  • 手数料管理
  • 承認プロセス管理
  • 損益計算書・貸借対照表
  • 支出管理
  • 時間と参加
  • 時間・支出追跡
  • 検索/フィルター
  • 残工事原価の追跡
  • 決済処理
  • 注文履行
  • 注文管理
  • 注文追跡
  • 物品販売税管理
  • 現金管理
  • 生産スケジューリング
  • 生産管理
  • 発注管理
  • 発送管理
  • 監査管理
  • 監査証跡
  • 税務管理
  • 税法遵守
  • 納税計算
  • 経理
  • 経理担当者向け
  • 経理統合
  • 経費管理
  • 経費精算
  • 給与明細
  • 給与管理
  • 統合・ロールアップ
  • 統合型ビジネス運営
  • 継続課金/サブスクリプション
  • 総勘定元帳
  • 自動スケジューリング
  • 自己データ作成
  • 製品管理
  • 製品識別
  • 複数プロジェクト
  • 複数部署/プロジェクト
  • 要求管理
  • 見積もり、概算
  • 課題管理
  • 調達管理
  • 請求、インボイス
  • 請求書のカスタマイズ
  • 請求書作成
  • 請求書処理
  • 請求書履歴
  • 請求書管理
  • 財務分析
  • 財務報告
  • 財務管理
  • 販売レポート
  • 販売予測
  • 販売時点情報管理 (POS)
  • 買掛金
  • 資金会計
  • 資金調達管理
  • 購入、受領
  • 輸送管理
  • 返却管理
  • 連絡先データベース
  • 連絡先管理
  • 進捗の追跡
  • 配達管理
  • 銀行勘定調整
  • 電子決済
  • 電子送金
  • 需要予測
  • 非営利団体向け
  • 項目管理
  • 領収書管理
  • 顧客アカウント
  • 顧客データベース
  • 顧客ポータル
  • 顧客管理


Priority Softwareは、ERPおよび管理用の統合ERPソフトウェアです。Priorityにはクラウド・プラットフォームが含まれます。
AIと機械学習が組み込まれた総合的なERPシステムであるSAP S/4HANA Cloudをお試しください。
SAP Concurを導入すると、自動化だけに留まらず、ビジネスとともに成長する完全統合型の支出管理ソリューションを利用することができます。





  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1,000
  • >1,001
Sr Accounting Manager
情報技術、情報サービス, 1,001~5,000人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

Best ERP out there

5.0 3 年前
Senior Solutions Consultant
病院、ヘルスケア, 201~500人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

Has bugs for such a powerful, expensive program

3.0 3 年前
コンピュータ・ネットワーク, 201~500人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上


4.0 2 年前






2 年前

Thanks for taking the time to leave a review! If you haven't already done so, feel free to check out our NetSuite Customer Community. https://community.oracle.com/netsuite

小売, 201~500人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上


3.0 2 年前

製品を使ってみた感想: 日本企業だと使いこなすまでが難しいのではと思う。






2 年前

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We take our customer feedback very seriously as we strive to improve every aspect of your experience. Please reach out to your Account Manager directly and/or email me at [email protected] so we can connect directly with you on feedback.

コンピュータ、ネットワーク・セキュリティ, 201~500人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上


1.0 2 年前

製品を使ってみた感想: 決して使いやすいとは言えない






2 年前

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We take our customer feedback very seriously as we strive to improve every aspect of your experience. Please reach out to your Account Manager directly and/or email me at [email protected] so we can connect directly with you on feedback.

経営コンサルティング, 51~200人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上


2.0 2 年前






2 年前

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We take our customer feedback very seriously as we strive to improve every aspect of your experience. Please reach out to your Account Manager directly and/or email me at [email protected] so we can connect directly with you on feedback.

再生可能エネルギー、環境, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 1年以上

NetSuite is a Great Option

5.0 5 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: Our account rep, account manager, and implementation lead are all really pleasant to work with and communicate well. The product is working well so far, and we're looking forward to our Phase 2.


So customizable that you can configure it to do just about anything. A unique product that can really be for anyone. Once live, it's fairly intuitive.


While the customization is amazing, you can get lost if you don't pay attention to the details or aren't working with someone who knows the technical nuances well when you set it up. Our implementor ([sensitive content hidden] ) helped us with this.

スペインのFinance Manager
金融サービス, 51~200人規模の会社
使用期間: 1年以上

Good overall

4.0 2 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: Good. We were able to implement woth no delais and after some month we are up and running saving a lot of time and having all the information handy


Rest web services integration Consolidation


Bank conection thru bank fees Slow sometimes

アルゼンチンのClient Care Representative
プロフェッショナル・トレーニング、コーチング, 51~200人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

There are better products out there for sure...

2.0 3 週間前 新着

製品を使ってみた感想: Not a fan, used it for 3 consecutive years on another company and then 2 more for invoicing which was another entirely new way of use from the one I used on the previous company.


Other than it's customizable, it really is hard to learn and implement in a team. So I can't speak much of it


Once more, the abundance of options and functions overwhelms the user and it's not something to learn in a couple of days. This requires hard training and specifics depending on the needs of the company/team

アメリカのDirector Inventory and Planning
小売, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 1年以上

Overly complicated and not the product for us.

1.0 3 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: This was a terrible experience from the get-go. Our CTO adopted NetSuite and it was clearly not the right choice from our business. It started with the lack of training. I think we had 2 training sessions over 6 months for the merchandising team. It slowed down the definition process of our catalog so that what used to take 10 minutes in the previous ERP took 3 hours. With many fields mapped to obscure auto index #s for definitions you had to build a decoder ring to keep them all straight. Basically everything we learned to do in Netsuite came from Google or YouTube. All of the menus were different depending on which role you had so cross-training between departments was impossible because people had to get to the same task via different paths. The filtering on reports was flawed and the Import/export menus kept so much history you had to scroll just to find the latest import/export only to be told it was still processing. The only rapid response you got from the team was when it was time to pony up another 250K for renewal. We probably had 5-6 different account people in charge of our account over the course of the 18 months we had the program. Just a terrible experience for us. Would give it zero stars if I could.


Lots of options to create reports and define items.


Very Difficult to integrate and overly complicated. It slowed down our overall processes and a lot of the logic did not make sense when defining items. It isn't good when they tell you to use a different program to help with the definition process. It is very expensive as well especially when the training is so poor that all you wind up using it for is glorified accounting.

アメリカのChief Operating Officer
食品製造, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

Remarkable experience with NetSuite for AP, AR and GL automation.

5.0 3 週間前 新着

製品を使ってみた感想: NetSuite has makes it easy to annotate, export and access detailed information for each financial reports.


All operations are processed faster which helps us do much more in less time. NetSuite interface with DocuSign is a game changer. Real-time financial performance reports has done wonders in empowering us to make informed decisions for our business.


NetSuite has been one incredible product with no blemishes. Its ease of use has allowed us to be very comfortable using it.

消費者サービス, 2~10人規模の会社
使用期間: 1~5か月

Netsuite for manufacturing

2.0 先週 新着

製品を使ってみた感想: Their support takes forever to respond. They also don’t return voicemails.


They are unclear what type of companies would benefit from this program.


Standard costing for manufacturing is a pain to set up and has issues

アメリカのDirector of accounting
消費者サービス, 51~200人規模の会社
使用期間: 1年以上

NetSuite - Pros & Cons

4.0 2 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: I don't have any major issue, but if there are some updates, it must help my daily workflow. - Also, I hope if I/S details show more details as a default setting. (Journal entry memo, Journal entry descriptions, Subsidiary/Entity Name, Etc.), it must be better even though we can customize, I cannot save all account reports.


You can customize reports and save the reports for future uses.


Hard to find my journal entries and there is no way to go direct to general ledger accounts (Need to open P&L, BS or CoA) I hope there is search function to accounts directly and my journal entry list.

アメリカのITFM Analyst
石油、エネルギー, 10,000+人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

Robust ERP solution

5.0 先週 新着

製品を使ってみた感想: Overall, it has been great. It has so many features and we can customize to meet our needs.


Love that it is so customizable for our organization and tailors to our platform. It integrates seamlessly with our other software.


There is a bit of a learning curve as it has extensive features.

ドイツのFinancial Accountant
情報技術、情報サービス, 5,001~10,000人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

Great product, efficient and easy.

5.0 先月 新着

製品を使ってみた感想: I've been using it for some years now, and it is one of the best on the market.


The Graphic is good, there are tons of personalizable reports and they are quite easy to use.


It is not always the simplest software to navigate, but having the option to automate some processes would make my work smoother and more efficient.

アメリカのClient Experience Lead
家具, 51~200人規模の会社
使用期間: 1年以上

User Friendly Program

4.0 2 か月前 新着

製品を使ってみた感想: It’s been great. Finding sales order is a breeze. Editing is very easy. The amount of personalization you can setup with the Home Screen to organize cases and even run reports is a breeze. Netsuite is extremely usher friendly and I learned to use it with 1 week of training.


Finding sales order is a breeze. Editing is very easy. The amount of personalization you can setup with the Home Screen to organize cases and even run reports is a breeze. Netsuite is extremely usher friendly and I learned to use it with 1 week of training. I also love that it Syncs perfect with Shopify. Makes e-commerce a breeze!


It’s nothing I don’t dislike with that platform. My job doesn’t utilize it too it’s full ability. I wish we were able to do more search by phone number and address.

石油、エネルギー, 51~200人規模の会社
使用期間: 1年以上

Save time and know more about your business with Netsuite

4.0 5 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: I am a very big fan of NetSuite and I am excited about learning how much more NetSuite can do for our business that we haven't touched on yet. It has given us more visibility into our financials and shortened our closing time each period.


We like the ability to easily run financials on a project level basis and the automated features that shorten our close cycle.


The customization that needed to happen to fit NetSuite into our current work processes and the transferring of data from our QB system to NetSuite was not smooth due to going live mid-year.

石油、エネルギー, 201~500人規模の会社
使用期間: 6~12か月

Netsuite Review from IGPES ERP Admin

5.0 6 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: My overall experience with NetSuite so far has been quite interesting as I feel the need to know more about the application. There are functions on the platform that make a lot of the operational workload easier especially when it comes to reports. The application is dynamic and overall great to use for business operations.


1. NetSuite offers a wide range of modules covering financial management, CRM, e-commerce, inventory, and supply chain management. 2. Suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. 3. It is cloud-based. 4. It is customizable and Flexible 5. Provides real-time visibility into business performance with robust reporting and analytics tools. 6. Supports multi-currency, multi-language, and multi-subsidiary operations, making it ideal for global businesses. 7. Regular updates and new features are automatically deployed, ensuring the system stays current with the latest technology and best practices.


1. It can be expensive, especially for small businesses or startups, due to subscription fees, customization costs, and user licenses. 2. Requires a learning curve and may necessitate ongoing training and support. 3. Implementation can be time-consuming and complex, requiring careful planning and resources. 4. Occasional slowdowns or downtime may impact business operations

アメリカのVice President and General Manager
建築資材, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 1~5か月

Net Suite streamlines efficiencies

5.0 4 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: Overall, the process was good, and we received a lot of support from the NS implementation team.


Once you learn the system, it's simple to use and gives you quick access at your fingertips. You can get a 360-degree view all from the same screen.


Trying to find where training is, was not easy. It was necessary to know the NS verbiage to locate sessions.

運輸、トラック、鉄道, 201~500人規模の会社
使用期間: 1~5か月

The most difficult project of my Professional life

3.0 6 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: It has been more difficult than I ever could have imagined. You fix one thing and it breaks another. In the end we wonder if the consolidation of systems was worth it. Right now my answer is it was not. There is so much I would change if I was in charge at NetSuite. There really is potential for it to be good, but they would rather charge you a ton of money for some feature that is difficult to understand, and ignore your problems. The difference between the basic tier and the premium tier is 200,000 transaction lines to 2 million. So the value of 200,001 lines is the same as 2 million. That's ridiculous. They should have more tiers.


We like that we are using only one system for our accounting, fixed assets, sales, purchasing, inventory management, reporting. There are some things that are easier than they were before for us.


This will be a long list. It's very frustrating to switch to an expensive system that cannot do what we thought it would be able to do, and has unexpected challenges that we just have to live with. - Parts bin verification button, box down arrow check-mark icon thingy. It's too small to see, and too many clicks. - Not able to batch print more than 100 invoices at a time. NetSuite does not care about this but its a huge deal when we have over 2000 invoices to download at once. We can easily miss 100. - Invoices disconnect from sales orders if they are changed, leaving the sales order open again. Which leads to double billing because we are checking our open orders, trying to close them all.  - Internal invoices create a receivable. It would be so much easier if they just didn't at all.  - Credit memos are an afterthought. It's like we're the first company you've dealt with that does them.  - No negative quantities are allowed on sales orders so adding inventory back into stock requires a credit memo. - The entire parts ordering process is so difficult for our parts people. You can't easily see how many you've sold in the past, you can't see how many your location already has on order, without flipping through screens. It's a cumbersome, slow , confusing process. The amount on order shows the amount for the entire company so it's totally useless. Then on the item receipt, we can't see the total dollar value per line so the guys are constantly receiving parts at the wrong dollar value, making AP's job really difficult. And since our developers cant fix it, and were on the basic service level tier, were basically told too bad, by an automated email from Oracle. It's so frustrating. - We can't add more invoice info to customer statements. Info like unit numbers. The statement function in the system is essentially useless to us. - Grey font on a white background in a small size that you cannot change. It's like Oracle said "let's make this as hard as possible for people with bad eyesight". - Some lists that have lots of items we can select ALL, but others, you can only select one range at a time either 1 to 25 or 1 to 100. No rhyme or reason to it. - The entire Item Receipt and Item Fulfillment process makes everything slow, and creates 3x more transaction lines. They are redundant. If we had known that every transaction line would appear on three different transactions every time, we would have known we were on the premium tier which would have cost more money and we wouldn't have chosen NetSuite. The basic level includes 200,000 transaction lines. So now we are over that number. This was dishonest from the sales process from the start. Now we are forced to pay an exorbitant amount to move up to the next tier. They held our system hostage for ransom. - They don't give your developers free accounts! For us that meant we didn't have enough accounts for all our employees. There's lots more but I think you get the point.

アメリカのVP of Finance and HR
健康、ウェルネス、フィットネス, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

Netsuite Review

5.0 3 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: Other than having to solve a lot of issues after implementation, it's been a wonderful software


we work with multiple subsidiaries and need to consolidate financials. Netsuite makes that very easy. Same with inventory management


the implementation phase was a little painful

アメリカのDirector of Operations
再生可能エネルギー、環境, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

Better than the alternatives, but only slightly

3.0 8 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: Overall we've found gains working with Netsuite, but it took about 18months before it was really integrated in our organization and I still question whether some of the gains are worth the drawbacks.


Netsuite has helped with financial transparency in our company, tying our inventory in with our accounting better than our previous system.


Interface and templates are terribly outdated and difficult to edit / improve. Netsuite is a big investment for our size company but we feel small to them, as customer support has been hard to come by.

検討した類似製品: Salesforce Sales Cloud

NetSuiteに決めた理由: Didn't effectively tie inventory management with accounting.

切り替える前の製品: QuickBooks Online


7 か月前

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review, Alanna. We take our customer feedback very seriously as we strive to improve every aspect of your experience. Please reach out to your Account Manager directly and/or email me at [email protected] so we can connect directly with you on feedback.

アメリカのDirector, Financial Systems
教育管理, 1,001~5,000人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

Great ERP!

5.0 3 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: We are quite happy with our NetSuite Environment.


Ease of Initial Implementation. Easy to customize for additional functionalities, 100's of Suite Apps available to implement additional functionalities needed. Great support resources available. Ease of use for business users.


More ability to control what business users can do in terms or reporting.

情報技術、情報サービス, 1,001~5,000人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

Oracle NetSuite for Finance Team

5.0 10 か月前


I would like to dive straight into the pros as given below: 1- It does allow us to automate almost everything in Netsuite using Scripts and workflow. 2- Easy to set up custom fields based on your tracking requirements. 3- Tax reporting is a lot easier now and if you are in Australia now you can ANZ localization for PTRS reporting. 4- Integrate with most of the systems you for most of the accounting function such as Accounts payable, AR, Fixed Assets, Bank Recs, Bank payment files, Sales and purchase orders and tax authorities. We have moved from another software which is used for small companies but since we have moved to Netsuite we are loving it and will keep on using it now.


I don't think there is anything I don't like about Netsuite as it is very user-friendly and does allow you to integrate with almost everything.


9 か月前

Thanks for taking the time to leave a review! If you haven’t already done so, feel free to check out our NetSuite Customer Community. https://community.oracle.com/netsuite

石油、エネルギー, 51~200人規模の会社
使用期間: 1年以上

Detailed Inventory System

4.0 5 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: Netsuite is able to give me all the inventory information needed to improve my business.


Their is a vast array of features and functions. Details of information for inventory and purchasing.


It was difficult integrating my inventory from previous systems into NetSuite.

アメリカのMarketing Manager
物流、サプライチェーン, 10,000+人規模の会社
使用期間: 1年以上

NetSuite as ERM (Enterprise Resource Management)

5.0 10 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: Great ERM tool to manage resources effective and use same language when talking to different teams internally. We are glad to use this tool because for example it was not possible to track expenses and related them to a particular customer with NetSuite.


Finally a product that rivals Salesforce. Competitive pricing and easier to rollout. Many features help us track different stages of a project when in development and going through production.


Training time - it takes a while to coach employees as this is new tool with limited install base and knowledge.


9 か月前

Thanks for taking the time to leave a review, Pragnesh! If you haven’t already done so, feel free to check out our NetSuite Customer Community. https://community.oracle.com/netsuite

アメリカのNetsuite Administrator
健康、ウェルネス、フィットネス, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 2年以上

Simple and Magical System

5.0 12 か月前


Entire ERP system of Netsuite is very powerful specially Advanced Inventory, reporting and CRM modules. It is very user friendly for all kind of users and also easy to configure and implement. The customisation options of Netsuite are so powerful where sky is the limit. Overall it is a perfect fit for small to medium organisations.


There is nothing so far which I don’t like about Netsuite. Everything is so well balanced in this system that you don’t have any limitations.
