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Bluebeam Revuとは?
Bluebeam Revuは、世界の設計、エンジニアリング、入札、構築を行うプロフェッショナルがより多くの業務を行えるようにするツールです。世界で200万人以上の設計や建築のプロフェッショナルがRevuを利用し、建設資料を利用してメタデータ、マークアップ、ハイパーリンク、ブックマーク、画像、添付資料、3Dデータを共有し、プロジェクトの効率や共同作業の改善、ドキュメントベースの重要プロセスの合理化、時間の節約を行っています。
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Bluebeam Revu
Bluebeam Revuの評判・レビュー

You need to ditch Acrobat if you're in the AEC business

Blue beam review
製品を使ってみた感想: It is my preferred PDF editor and I constantly use it to make edits
It is very user friendly and very intuitive. The dashboards are set up similar to acad and I can draw pretty well. The editing features are also top notch.
It is a bit pricey for a PDF editor. You can get adobe versions much cheaper and while it maybe less functional, the adobe programs do work ok.
tons of features, faily easy to use
製品を使ってみた感想: I use this program almost daily for work and find it to be faily simple, mostly reliable, and with all the features I could hope for without being crazy complex.
Lots of useful features. Easy to merge documents and edit files. Lots of editing tools, and once all that's done, you can also reduce file size to allow the file to compress and be small enough to attach to emails.
Certain updates make it very glitchy and it will freeze frequently on me. Other updates are perfectly fine. Seems they issue a revised update fairly quickly when these issues occur.
Great for any construction company
I loved being able to learn the ins and out of this software, however it was not was easy for me. Helping a local construction company use this software to put their PDFs together and help create new blueprints. User friendly on an advanced design level.
The mark ups took some getting used to but once I understood the concept it wasn’t that hard
Bluebeam is a great markup tool
製品を使ってみた感想: Great, it made working from home possible and an easy tool to share / track live markups between offices.
Ease of marking up a PDF document, functionality of searching documents, and comparing 2 documents.
I wish you could separate the settings and tool chest to a separate window
Amazing PDF reader, better than Adobe Acrobat. Very useful engineering tools
製品を使ってみた感想: This is the fastest tool when it comes to drawing review, pdf document creation and control, and diagram creation. The tools at your disposal allow you to do many things which other programs do not. I would recommend this software over any other PDF reader.
Very handy and intuitive engineering tools, you can mark up drawings, get measurements and estimate quantities very easily. The drawings tools are also very useful, allowing for easy creation of clean diagrams. The PDF tools are powerful and I have completely phased out Adobe Acrobat in favour of using Bluebeam.
The only downside I have come across is the inability to created lines of fixed length, you have to create a measurement and then create a line to match the measurement.
Bluebeam is a cost effective alternative to other PDF Editors in the construction world
Cost effectiveness and ease of use compared to other editors.
Some tools are less sophisticated than other editors on the market but overall worth it in terms of cost.
Bluebeam Revu
製品を使ってみた感想: I was a little hesitant at first when my company switched from Adobe to Bluebeam, but now that I have gotten use to the program I would never want to go back to Adobe.
It's easy to mark up PDF files. In the construction industry, we make markups on blueprints and submittals. It's also easy for material take-offs with the measuring tools.
I still haven't been satisfied with all the toolbars and their locations. I have a tool bar on the top, side and bottom and I haven't figured out how to make it so I can just show the tools that I use the most.
Bluebeam Revu is one of the best software currently in the market
製品を使ってみた感想: i am using Bluebeam Revu since one year, i found it very helpful in all aspects
Bluebeam Revu is one of the best software currently in the market, i found it very helpful to manage many kind of documents. i personally use it mostly for managing PDF files. its a great toll to merge many files in a single click. with its great tools of editing we prepare many kinds of presentation for our client and consultant meeting that bear fruitful results most of the time. for any documents to change any kind of text and pictures it is very handy, managing large files and to find every single topic in a simple search is the key to this software, in short i would recommend this software for all users refer to the other same kind of software in the current market.
i like all the features of this software that why we are using this software in our organization. what i like the most in it is that its very easy to edit any kind of page with the desired results. with all its text styles its more fun to use, managing huge files in a single click make it more efficient. any word or topic to find is very easy
Bluebeam Revu raving results
Once I learned how to use it there was no going back to Adobe. Blue Beam has management tools that improve review speed and accuracy.
Thelearning curve if you really want to use the product the correct way.

Untrustworthy Developer - Dropped the ball
Brings a lot of features and functionality missing from Acrobat. To my knowledge, no other PDF software is geared towards the A+E market. I wish there was another one out there so that these guys didn't have a monopoly on the market. It has given them a sense of invincibility that has led to stagnation and a lack of genuine support for their customers.
I've been using Revu for about 8 years, 5 of those on Windows. The last 3 are at my most recent job, and when I found out that Bluebeam had created a Revu for Mac, I was quick to push our company to adopt. I even gave a lunchtime presentation to show everyone some of the really powerful features I had come to know and love from the windows side. Playing with the trial version of 1.0, though, I quickly realized that a ton of features were absent from the windows version. I went ahead and gave the presentation anyway, though and with some convincing, we bought seats for everyone. It became clear within the first week of using the software, though, that it was incredibly slow. So slow as to be unusable. It took several seconds to render every page... considering that we regularly deal with 100+ page architectural sets, this made the program worthless in a lot of cases. What's more we really felt the lack of some features from the windows side, many of which were so basic that it's laughable that Bluebeam decided not to invest in them. You can't crop pdfs for instance. Anyway, when bluebeam for mac 2.0 came out, we bought in thinking that we'd be getting all of the features that we were missing along with performance improvements. Turns out they decided to revamp the UI with almost 0 feature inclusions. The performance of page rendering was significantly improved, which was helpful, although page thumbnails now no longer load.
I Recommend Bluebeam
製品を使ってみた感想: It is an excellent tool for reviewing drawings and organizing reports in a clear manner.
Marking up drawings and also being able to create a shared document for multiple users to mark up make this a strong tool that allows AEC professionals to go digital and avoid printing.
Tools that allow me to draw straight lines on documents would help.
BlueBeam Revu Review
製品を使ってみた感想: I would highly recommend Bluebeam Revu over almost any other PDF reader/modifier. Its simplicity is refreshing. I think that if more people knew about the product they would switch from Adobe.
Bluebeam is simple to learn and use. There are so many handy tools, and I don't even use a lot of them in my line of work but I know others who do. I particularly like the cloud tool to bring attention to revisions, but also like the text editor and the ability to scale from a set of drawings by picking two points with a known dimension.
I think most of the tools are really great, but I would like to see a few more options for shapes that can be drawn. I use some of them to create easy to read legends for a particular set of drawings.
BlueBeam Revu
製品を使ってみた感想: the product makes it easy to measure, mark up and make amendments to drawings during the design process without the need to have expensive CAD software
easy to use, inexpensive and has great features
I sometimes struggle to find features, but that is because I don't use everything all the time, and it is a very feature rich product
Great Software But Needs To Be Available To Mac Users Again
製品を使ってみた感想: Very good, just disappointed it's no longer available on mac. It was by far the best for everything we do as a company and now we can't use it.
The take off function and ability to add comments was extremely useful
The licensing expired on Mac, so new employees are unable to use the software which is a huge issue as we had three members of the commercial department using Bluebeam and we had to change when another three employees joined the team as we can't collaborate unless all on same software.
Powerful software with limits
Able to manage and manipulate multiple pieces of construction information. Useful to quickly design markups in a more time efficient manner than autocad
Runs into software limitations when advanced use occurs
Bluebeam Revu for Print Management
製品を使ってみた感想: I really like Bluebeam. I hope I like it as much when I am not able to save a print through SolidWorks and will need to press a few more buttons to view it.
Bluebeam is super easy, user friendly. As our part designs change, therefore requiring print changes, we have the capability to use the tools offered in Bluebeam to markup changes, highlight, and add text explaining revisions so everyone is on the same page as to what/why a change occurred and if it effects fit, form or function.
No dislikes, really. We recently upgraded our SolidWorks® and am finding that Bluebeam will not be connecting/compatible with SolidWorks® any longer. That is not horrible as we can save prints other ways and still read them in Bluebeam Revu.
Action tool for a Document editor
You will be notified via emails when you have access to project and the file.
When the system fails ,I was not able to figure out , and had to reach out to the Bluebeam team for clarity.
Game changer
I like how bluebeam make the takeoffs so much easier especially the count tool combined with the search tool that will make our estimate easier to price up.
I think the length tool should be more subject to edit so i can personalized the feature or the looks
Way more than just a .PDF program...
I love all of the takeoff features bluebeam has. Being tailor made for construction and having all of the same features as the competitors as well makes it a no Brainer for me.
Integration was easy. Learning the program is slightly different than competitors but there is a good help section and online communities.
Every construction company should be using this program!
製品を使ってみた感想: I loved it. Used every project. Was able to see my margins increase as a byproduct of not over estimating... less waste. We were also able to keep project costs more real-time helping to win more projects.
Pros: I loved the digital estimating tools that fed back to the general, [sensitive content hidden], and architects. They were able to see any gaps in designs and see where projects might be easier to VE.
CONS: 1) Too many tools at your fingertips makes for alot to learn, but not everything is needed. 2) If GC is using program, the document management on large projects can become very overwhelming if not organized extremely well.

An ally for construction
製品を使ってみた感想: Through the free trial I have tested its functionality, its speed is optimal and it is accessible on any device.
One advantage is the ability to encrypt documents, providing an additional layer of security. It also integrates with various formats such as CAD, facilitates modifications.
It does not have the functionality that would allow you to create, modify or edit any original content. In addition, the individual cost is not small.
Best take-off software
製品を使ってみた感想: Bluebeam Revu isn't suitable for PDF reading and editing only. It's advanced software for engineering functions.
Bluebeam Revu is full of engineering functions and features, best for reading PDF drawings.
Bluebeam Revu is costly and complicated for basic users.
BLueBeam Review
what i like most is the ease of editing documents and all the different features it offers. mind you i have not used them all but the option is there. and interested in learning more of the features i do not use.
have not used it to its extent to comment on the product but it is expensive..
Bluebeam Revu
製品を使ってみた感想: Not positive, the program is not overly user friendly
The program enabled us to give our foreman and project managers access to pdf drawings that they require to manage a job
The program is not user friendly, difficult to work within, manage, save pdf's to, creating new folders is difficult
Pathway to Paperless
製品を使ってみた感想: We and another entity previously required physical plan sets for building permits and planning case applications. Now that both have decided to move forward with Bluebeam, it makes my personal job significantly less stressful.
Allowing us to stop requiring physical building plan sets will reduce paper usage exponentially.
Expensive, but worth it in the long run. Will likely have a tough road ahead adjusting for some people involved.