キャプテラ - 日本企業の最適な
ソーシャルメディアやWebサイト、その他の場所で短縮URLをお使いですか? Yohnは、短縮URLなどを完全にコントロールできるカスタムURL短縮ツールです。
- 独自のドメインを使用して短縮URLを作成
- 短縮URLをいつでも更新
- ブランドリンクを使用してファイルを共有
- クリックデータを分析
- CSVインポートで短縮URLを一括作成
- QRコード、vCardなども作成


Colibri.live as your shortening URL application
製品を使ってみた感想: Using the Colibri application has been a seamless experience. The user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to create and manage shortened links. The speed of the service is impressive, and I have not experienced any downtime. Overall, I am very satisfied with the performance and reliability of this application and would highly recommend it to others.Sure, there is the potential for link breakage, but that is a common issue with any URL shortening service. The benefits of using the Shortening URL application far outweigh any potential cons. From the simple and efficient process of creating and managing links, to the user-friendly interface, to the impressive speed and reliability of the service, the advantages of using this application are numerous. Don't miss out on the opportunity to streamline your link management processes and improve your brand's online presence. Give the Colibri application a try today.
•Simple and efficient process of creating and managing shortened links.•User-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.•Impressive speed of the service with no downtime experienced.•High level of performance and reliability, providing peace of mind.•Strong recommendation based on overall satisfaction with the application.
•Potential for link breakage: The shortening service could go down, or the original link may change, resulting in a broken link that leads to an error page.
2 年前
Hey Alexander, thanks for choosing our URL shortener! Glad that you liked it. Concerning the broken links - the service uptime is protected by the Amazon Web Services SLA where it's stated that customers start getting money back from them whenever the monthly uptime percentage goes below 99.9%. So, this should not be an issue. Regarding the original destination links changing - unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that they won't change (and no one but the owner of the destination site can, actually). However, that's a very good point, we will add a link availability checker to our product development pipeline. Thanks!
My link got shorter but my money got longer!
製品を使ってみた感想: Yohn has helped me big time with my marketing and branding. Nobody likes long links, they don't fit where you need them, their hard to read and hard to relay, it's a bad look. Yohn makes link shortening a breeze, you can do it in seconds!! Also gives you the ability to customize/brand your link which is awesome!! I also like that I can view the analytics of my links and see how they're performing!
I love how straight to the point and user-friendly the platform is. You make an account and can begin shortening links in under a minute!!
I'd like to see it get cheaper or offer a permanent FREE plan.