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Product Fruitsとは?




Product Fruitsなら、コンバージョン率の向上、解約率の低下、サポートチケット数の削減を実現できます。

Product Fruitsの対象ユーザー

ユーザーを取り込み、製品採用とコンバージョンを促進させたいSaaS Webアプリケーション。




  • Product Fruits

Product Fruits のサポート

  • 電話サポート
  • チャット対応有


アイスランド, アイルランド, アゼルバイジャン, アフガニスタン, アメリカ合衆国 他223つ



Product Fruitsの料金プラン


  • 無料トライアルあり
  • 無料プランなし

Product Fruitsには無料プランはありませんが、無料トライアルが提供されています。 Product Fruitsの有料プランは$99.00/月から利用できます。

料金プラン 無料トライアルを申し込む


  • Product Fruits

Product Fruits のサポート

  • 電話サポート
  • チャット対応有


アイスランド, アイルランド, アゼルバイジャン, アフガニスタン, アメリカ合衆国 他223つ



Product Fruitsの動画と画像

Product Fruitsソフトウェア - 1
Product Fruitsソフトウェア - 2
Product Fruitsソフトウェア - 3
Product Fruitsソフトウェア - 4
Product Fruitsソフトウェア - 5
Product Fruitsの動画
Product Fruitsソフトウェア - 1
Product Fruitsソフトウェア - 2
Product Fruitsソフトウェア - 3
Product Fruitsソフトウェア - 4
Product Fruitsソフトウェア - 5

Product Fruitsの機能や特徴

  • アクティビティの追跡
  • アクティビティ・ダッシュボード
  • アプリ内トレーニング
  • アラート/通知
  • アンケートおよびフィードバック
  • エンゲージメント追跡
  • オンボーディング
  • オーディエンス・ターゲティング
  • カスタマーNPS
  • コミュニケーション管理
  • コンテキスト・ガイダンス
  • コンテンツ作成
  • コンプライアンス管理
  • サードパーティとの連携
  • セルフサービスツール
  • セルフサービスポータル
  • タスク管理
  • トレーニング管理
  • ドラッグ・アンド・ドロップ
  • パフォーマンス測定基準
  • ビジュアル分析
  • フィードバック管理
  • ユーザー・オンボーディング
  • レポート/分析
  • ローンチ管理
  • ワークフロー管理
  • 多言語
  • 顧客体験の管理

Product Fruitsの競合SaaS製品

Help Scoutは、優れた顧客体験を実現するために設計されたWebベースのヘルプデスクです。
UserGuidingは、ガイド付きツアーとインタラクティブなマニュアルを用い、製品チーム、カスタマー・サクセス・チーム、ユーザー・エクスペリエンス (UX) チームによるユーザーのオンボードを支援します。コーディング不要です。
Sales Cloud 360を導入して、成長を促進させましょう。業界トップレベルのCRMプラットフォームで担当者の生産性を向上させる、非常に優れたセールスソリューションです。
Pendoによる、パーソナライズされたユーザーオンボーディングとアプリ内研修。あらゆるユーザーを初日から製品エキスパートに変えます。 Pendoの製品詳細

Product Fruitsの評判・レビュー




  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1,000
  • >1,001


英国のProduct Manager
コンピュータ・ソフトウェア, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 1~5か月

Great good-for-money option with fantastic support

5.0 2 年前

製品を使ってみた感想: This product is great value for money. We've been able to successfully implement checklists and tours into our app so that they look native. The customer service has been absolutely fantastic and even expedited the introduction of supporting group attributes for the checklists which has been a real godsend for us.


The team have been great at helping me create the optimum setup for our particular use case and helping me debug various issues. I was able to set up tours very easily on our staging server and test our checklists. I love the fact it integrated with Segment so it was easy to start getting the data going into ProductFruits. I also love the LifeRing to allow for self-service tours!


I'd love for there to be a few more display options for tours, and for the reporting for the LifeRing to be built out more but I can see that being developed in the future, and we're planning to stay for the long haul.

Product Fruitsからの返信

2 年前

Thank you for such a fabulous review, Becs. Noting down the request for more display options for tours.

アメリカのDirector of Training
不動産, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 1~5か月

Great product, great value!

5.0 2 か月前 新着

製品を使ってみた感想: From sales to customer support to product management, the entire Product Fruits team has been great to work with so far. I enjoy receiving product tips via email, the team is very responsive when I have questions, and the product itself is pretty awesome.


I don't believe you'll find a product on the market that is easier to use, more full-featured, or at a better price point than Product Fruits. We previously used a leading competitor, but their pricing structure was not only hard to understand but also prohibitively expensive. This really limited us. In contrast, Product Fruits offers all their features at a single, reasonable cost, making it an exceptional value. Switching to Product Fruits has been a game-changer for us, providing us with a comprehensive solution without breaking the bank. Highly recommended!


Product Fruits is still in its early stages, so naturally, there are some deficiencies in the product. This requires a bit of patience and a willingness to support their ongoing development efforts. However, I actually appreciate having a voice in those improvements, so it's not really a negative for me. Being able to contribute feedback and see it shape the product is a unique and rewarding experience.

検討した類似製品: Help ScoutSalesforce Sales CloudThinkificIntercom

Product Fruitsに決めた理由: Product Fruits offered full-featured platform at a fraction of the cost.

切り替える前の製品: Intercom

Product Fruitsに切りかえた理由: In some cases the other platforms offered more features than we needed while others did not offer all the features or required extensive coding to customize. We found Product Fruits to be well balance and at a great price point.

Product Fruitsからの返信


Thank you for such a raving review, Allison.

フランスのSolution Engineer
投資運用, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 1~5か月

Kls review

4.0 先月 新着


On the tour creating : Easy to use, the creating mode is simple and based on what you see is what you get. easy to test too because of the preview On the others features I haven't really create something with a specific aim so I can't tell for real.


Not totally adapted to SaaS app, especially on our freetrial Branding is complicated and you can't really create card template. Some part you still need to edit branding into the creating mode

Product Fruitsからの返信

4 週間前

Thank you for your review, Arthur.

ドイツのMarketing Managerin
情報技術、情報サービス, 51~200人規模の会社
使用期間: 1~5か月

Very intuitive, flexible design, excellent customer support

5.0 3 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: Really happy to have decided for the tool. Would recommend without reservations.


We decided for PF because the backend is really intuitive and easy to use - for regular features no developers' support is needed. We like the adaptability of designs which allows us to develop features that really look the way we want them to. Onboarding was also really good with regular emails introducing features, how-tos and support with the set-up. When we faced challenges due to the complexity of our own software, PF was ready to help quickly and successfully. STaff is really friendly and helpful.


Everything works fine. Features that didn't work the way we thought they should - due to the functioning of our own software - could be found workarounds for with the help of PF.

検討した類似製品: Walnut.ioUserGuiding

Product Fruitsに切りかえた理由: PF is the most intuitive software - we faced difficulties with all other solutions. Also the flexibility of the design and the possibility to integrate features into our own software instead of working with mirrored pages was unmet by the other solutions.

Product Fruitsからの返信

3 か月前

Deborah, thank you for such a nice review.

スウェーデンのCo-founder, CEO
コンピュータ・ソフトウェア, 11~50人規模の会社
使用期間: 1~5か月

Perfect tool for small businesses

4.0 5 か月前

製品を使ってみた感想: Overall we are really happy with our choice of Product Fruits. We initially purchased a monthly subscription but recently felt confident enough to move to an annual subscription. We look forward to growing with Product Fruits!


It doesn't track more data than you want it to (we have very strict data privacy controls). It has the crucial elements we need at a price we are happy to pay. We aren't forced to over-purchase for our current needs. We looked at competitors like Pendo, which cost way too much because they are trying to include everything. Their employees, especially the support staff, are quick and extremely nice when helping you. 10 out of 10 for the people. Its one of the biggest reasons I felt comfortable going with Product Fruits. I also like how transparent they are with their pricing. I hate when you have to talk to sales to understand what something will cost.


Ideally, there would be more styling controls for all elements. I would like to integrate with Jira Service Management for support and Confluence for the knowledge base. They have a great built-in knowledge base, but we already have one. I'd like to be able to integrate with it. This has less to do with the product and more with our situation, but we use it in an embedded app within other platforms. The fact that we're iframed in makes it complicated (but not impossible) to use the editor to target elements and build tours.

検討した類似製品: PendoTotango

Product Fruitsに切りかえた理由: A combination of price, features, security certifications, data storage locations, and the attitude of the employees.

Product Fruitsからの返信

5 か月前

Thank you for taking the time to write such a thorough review, Julia.