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Gmail allows for a seamless integration of its features that are widespread across applications. Its security services are top notch and their customer service is notable.
I dislike how hard it is to find my spam folder - I also dislike how many emerald end up in my spam folder.
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Reliable mail platform
組織のグループウェアでGoogle Work Spaceを採用している場合は、Gmailと各アプリの連携が非常に取りやすい。具体的には、Gmailで受信した航空券や宿泊の予約情報、Zoom等のリモートMTGの招待はGoogleカレンダーに自動で基本情報と日時が登録される。また、GoogleAppsScriptを使用すれば送信予約やフィルターでは設定ができないGmailの自動配信や受信後の処理などを細かい設定をすることもが可能。上記のような連携と合わせて、Gmailをトップ画面として予定、タスク、チャットなど使用頻度が高いアプリへの容易にアクセスが可能となっており、各アプリを個別に立ち上げたり、複数窓を管理しなければならないわずらわしさがなく、1つの画面で多くの業務遂行が可能であることは非常に評価が高い。
製品を使ってみた感想: Googleサービスを常用する人、特にandroid装置を利用している人にとしては必要不可欠なサービス。最近meetはgmailと統合したため、会議の開催などにも利用可能。バージョンアップの際により便利になっている。無料版を利用してもalphabet社からのサポートを受けられるので実にうれしい。
パソコン、タブレット、携帯など、幅広い装置に対応している。また、web版もあるため、基本どんな装置でも簡単にGmailにアクセスできる。容量は他のgoogleサービスと共有しているが、無料版でも15 GBがあるため、メールの利用のみであればかなり十分。さらに他のgoogleサービス(例えば、google drive、google photos、google calendar)と連携できるため、色んな場面で活躍できる。
製品を使ってみた感想: 私にとってgmailは日々の生活に無くてはならないコミュニケーションソフトウェアです。日程の調整を行えば、自動的に文章からカレンダーへ追加機能を提案してくれたり、添付されたファイルをクラウドソフトへ保存できたりと直感的に次のステップを提案してくれる機能は、仕事の効率がとても捗るポイントで大変気に入っています。今後もgmailを中心にコミュニケーションツールとして使用していきます。
GUIがシンプルで見やすい。携帯アプリ版はわりと軽いため、古い携帯でも快適に使用可能。特にGoogle関連アプリ(カレンダー、連絡先、Google Docsなど)との連携がよく、作業性が抜群。
フィルタリング機能がいまいち。検索に長けているはずのGoogleなのに、Gmailでメールを探す際に苦労する。特に特定ラベルのメールを検索する際、検索演算子(in:trash, in:spamとか)を使わないと、うまく検索できない場合がある。
製品を使ってみた感想: 非常に完成度の高いメールシステムで、容量も十分あり、フィルター等の機能も優れているただし、ヘッダ情報等は簡単に見れるようにしてほしい。
Really easy to use.
Androidの場合 スマホのスペックや同期の設定かもしれないが通知がやや遅い時がある。
Best email service hands down
製品を使ってみた感想: I read my Gmail daily and I like all of the benefits like spam removal, unsubscribe option they show when I haven't read an email in a while, all the storage in the follow up option they recommend after sending an email.
I've been using Gmail for the past 20 years and it's the best email service. I have everything connected to my email with Gmail. I like the ease of access when I need to send an email from a website and my Gmail automatically opened to send. The layout is really easy and I like how I'm able to create different folders for things. I also don't have to see a whole bunch of news just to access the email service. I also like how they have the option to unsubscribe from email which you haven't read in a long time. Also the option to mark emails I spam. What are you doing we got gecko insurance because they can't keep them remember the kids kept them and what does not in the air you'll die tonight
The thing I like least about it is that it doesn't go back past emails from 2016.
Easy to Use Platform with Many Options
製品を使ってみた感想: Overall it's been good. There are many positives to Gmail, but it also has some drawbacks.
It's ease of use. It is now the go-to email platform for a large majority of people throughout the world. When you combine it with the other tools (G-Suite), Analytics, and YouTube, it's very powerful for any business.
I don't like how they decide what is promotional or even spam on occasion. While they do a good job of weeding out true spam, it's not 100%. Because an email I was looking for was mistakenly filtered, I've inadvertently deleted or missed emails. As a result, I lost out on some business after I eventually found the email in my deleted folder or even in my spam folder.
used to love it. hate the way they are treating existing customers now.
製品を使ってみた感想: used to love it. hate the way they are treating existing customers now.
I loved Gmail for many years, using it since about 2010 for all my email accounts. With the introduction of paid storage, they have turned into money hungry jerks making it really hard to actually delete emails, thereby trying to force you to give up and pay for the service. I get it, most serives are moving to subscription models, but this is shitty service.
as above. they are forcing customers to pay. unlike Adobe, which made an overnight change and advertised it, Gmail pretends you have a choice, with messages telling you to delete your emails etc etc. But while doing this, I have discovered that the process is so hard and requires so many steps that you waste half of your life trying to do it. Just be transparent about the costs and stop pretending you're giving people an option.
"Gmail: The Ideal Email Solution with Room for Improvement"
製品を使ってみた感想: Intuitively comfortable with email, it also provides strong protection and is comfortable with easy solidarity, which is good with many sites. Gmail is the best choice for both personal and business email requirements. Ease of use, integration with Google services, and plenty of storage are the key strengths. However, improving search capabilities and spam filtering should further improve the user experience.
Intuitively, it is easy to use, so it is good to use regardless of age. Also, it is best not to have to sign up separately because it is well connected to other sites.
It is difficult to find e-mails because the search function is inefficient.
Not just one of the best email services, but THE email service
製品を使ってみた感想: I have been using Gmail for more than a decade and never ever had any sort of hiccup or issue. Spam filter is great, integration is the best you can ask for, and it's provided by a rock-solid company. On top of that, the free tier is simply amazing and rich.
It's simple, it's fast, it's powerful, and well known and integrated. Spam filter is the best I have ever seen. What else?
WebUI could be more modern but this is a very personal opinion. Google is probably harvesting personal data so read the TOS carefully if you are concerned.
Amazing Integrated Email
製品を使ってみた感想: It had been my main email for the past 10 years and they had improved. It now is well integrated in the different google suite apps for easy collaboration with client and colleagues.
Easy to use and well integrated to the different Google Suites Apps. It had improved for the past 5 years.
I think it would be its limited customisation in the email interface.
It's worth buying
製品を使ってみた感想: I've been using Gmail for my personal emails for a long time. It's fast,easy to use, and has great functions.
It's well organized fast,secure, and easy to use. I love all of Gmail's functions.
No cons I have not had a bad experience using Gmail.
Honest Opinion
製品を使ってみた感想: I used this on a daily basis. it makes things so much easier.
I can see what email important and which ones are not.
The amount of email it stores without having to purchase more.
GMAIL for everyday communication
製品を使ってみた感想: My overall experience with Gmail has been positive, thanks to its intuitive interface, powerful search capabilities, and seamless integration with Google services, enhancing email management.
I liked Gmail's clean, user-friendly interface, robust search functionality, and integration with Google services, making email management and organization simple and efficient.
What I liked least about Gmail is how its inbox can become cluttered with promotional and social emails, which sometimes overshadow important messages, even with filtering options.
A great email use
製品を使ってみた感想: Overall the experience I have with Gmail it's great. I like its setup is easy and ready to use right away.
The simplicity of it and Gmail pretty much integrates universally.
The cleaning up the email in the platform is tedious. Deleting specific emails can take a long time all at once. You can't just swipe as you go. Evening filtering doesn't filter as smooth when setup.
Gmail. A complete workplace, rather than just an Email.
製品を使ってみた感想: Gmail with all its drawbacks has became an integral part of my life, whether I have to send or receive an email, saving a contact or accessing a stored file in Drive. I just have to remember my Email and password to access a lot of things, which is a luxury that at this time no other company provide.
Gmail gives you a lot of space to store your mails with heavy attachments, but that is something now days many other companies also provide. What makes Gmail unique is its multirole application. Gmail is required to operate your android, access play store, save contacts in Google Contacts, save and access your google docs, spreadsheet, Google Drive, etc or to make and access your personalized callender, and to retrieve all these on any device just by logging into your Gmail Id.
The major drawabck is that it collect and store alot of data about a person from associated apps like Google Maps, youtube and search.
Best Web-Based Email Client
製品を使ってみた感想: I have loved Gmail overall. It is well-integrated into the Google collaboration suite (Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, etc.). The service has excellent security features, great spam detection, and is free to use, as long as you are willing to see some fairly non-obtrusive ads.
The best feature of Gmail is undoubtedly the search. Google-powered search results inside your inbox add a ton of value. I use Gmail for personal use, used it as a student, and have purchased it for our family's non-profit. My current employer uses Outlook and O365. If you want to look for anything - an attachment, an email with a particular subject, you are all set in Gmail. In Outlook - good luck finding anything. And it will give you the garbage results after a significant wait. Gmail can also keep you organized if you allow integration with Google's assistant and other services (calendar, meet, voice, etc).
This is not really a con, but it's not Gmail's strength: the service is not meant for use offline. You can add it to Outlook, but you'll lose most of it's online features. Online, you don't get things like mail-merge, or... as it may be obvious, offline access to your messages. I am almost always online, and my recent messages are downloaded to the mobile client.
Effective communication made easy
製品を使ってみた感想: I rely on Gmail for about 90% of all my official communications. Synchronization across multiple devices and ease of use on mobile devices means that I never have to lose any productivity when I am away from the office or my PC. And the great array of Google products I am able to access directly via Gmail reduces my workflow interruptions to the barest minimum.
The best part of using Gmail is that it serves as the easiest and most practical conduit to the bulk of other really amazing and complementary google products and services. Beyond making email communication very easy, integration with Google calendar means that I can easily feed invitations directly from my inbox unto my calendar, strike up follow-up conversations with email contacts in Google Chat, or save email file attachments directly to my Google Drive, etc.
On mobile devices, the newest update makes it a bit more difficult to easily detect unopened emails from opened ones. The font bolding is a bit less profound now and can present a challenge to the visually challenged.
The best free email service on the planet, if you are OK with Google knowing everything about you.
製品を使ってみた感想: Dependable and effective for over 12 years for my personal and business email needs.
Free, but the most effective and powerful email management tool.
Not much to dislike, but customer service, or getting a live person to help with technical issues is non existent. Thankfully, the service is robust and customer service is rarely needed.
Gmail Great For Personal And Business Use!
製品を使ってみた感想: Gmail is user-friendly. I love that it offers a free personal account as well as an inexpensive paid account for business. Gmail is the perfect solution for me to stay in touch with both personal and business contacts.
I love Gmail because the free personal email separates emails into Inbox, Social, and Promotions categories which allows me to focus on the more important email in my inbox first without getting distracted. The paid version of Gmail for my business allows me to offer a HIPAA compliant email to my clients with security features for client privacy. In both personal and business emails I can create Folders for greater organization and the search feature allows me to find information or contacts quickly.
For the personal Gmail account, sometimes email falls into my Promotions folder instead of my Inbox so I miss time sensitive email.